

Storyboards are an essential part of film and animation, allowing the story to be pre-visualized before cameras start rolling. Presentation boards are more high-polish and used by Agencies to sell a commercial concept to a client. Shooting boards are quicker, typically b&w illustrations that are more concerned with showing a Director's vision of what shall happen before the camera.

Presentation Storyboards:


Shooting Storyboards :


Storyboard sample Storyboard sample Storyboard sample Storyboard sample-Nissan Storyboard sample-Nissan Storyboard sample-Nissan

Board-to-Film comparisons:

Graphic Novels

I'm mostly drawn to genre and high action storytelling for middle grade audiences and up. Depending on scope, budget, and availability, I can take loose ideas and form them into a story or adapt an existing work (novel, outline, or script) into graphic novel storytelling.

Graphic novel services include outlining, scripting, layouts, line art, and color. I'm primarily available for layout and illustration jobs but can also package a project together from start to finish.

First Chapter looks from some of the Bibliography:

Colors Red Pyramid 16 Baboons Playing Basketball Hawk,Kite,Guinea pig over DC National Mall
Set vs Julius Kane Egyptian "Ba" Trips Horus Combat Avatar vs lionness Bast Cat combat Avatar vs Scorpion goddess Serqet Baboons Playing Basketball Graceland Elvis Suits vs Magicians Hawk,Kite,Guinea pig over DC National Mall
Magical Egyptian Steamboat along the river of the Night and Land of the Dead Anubis jackal transformation to paranormal teen romance Portal of the Temple of Dendur, Metropolitan M of Art Sailor Moon Princess Power with Isis, Sarcophagus, Magic Tiara Nephthys, Sekhmet, Serqet, Bes, Babi, Heqet, Anubis, Isis, Osiris, Sobek, Nekhbet, Hathor et al Osiris, Isis, Ammit the Devourer
Magical Egyptian Steamboat along the river of the Night and Land of the Dead Anubis jackal transformation to paranormal teen romance Portal of the Temple of Dendur, Metropolitan M of Art Sailor Moon Princess Power with Isis, Sarcophagus, Magic Tiara Nephthys, Sekhmet, Serqet, Bes, Babi, Heqet, Anubis, Isis, Osiris, Sobek, Nekhbet, Hathor et al Osiris, Isis, Ammit the Devourer Fast Cars-Lexus, BMW, Mercedes


Author Appearances

Author Appearances typically include a discussion of the graphic novels, with side quests into how they are made, research trips around the world, and the occasional drawing demonstration followed by a Q&A. Graphic Presentations are flexible and tailored to the audience I'm talking to- mostly school, libraries, and conference visits in my function as a graphic novelist.

Zoom and Virtual Appointments also avail:

Live Drawing

What started as street busking on Venice Beach has evolved into mostly events work. Having a sketch artist livens up any event, from block parties, festivals, office parties, weddings, film shoots and advocacy work. I specialize in Bespoke, Live Portraiture drawn and given away on site. 6 minute portraits in black and white or 16 minute in watercolor- location limited to Los Angeles but open to travelling.

6 Minute Portraits:


Hiring Information

Inquire with or call 443.695.6654 for availability!